
Welcome to the University of New England. We strive to promote a supportive, inclusive community that ensures UNE’s rich educational, 文化, and recreational opportunities are accessible to our 学生, 教师, 专业人员.

If you are a person with a disability, please know that we will make every reasonable effort to accommodate your needs. 我们遵守适用的州和联邦法律——包括《十大网络彩票平台大全》——并一直在积极努力改善我们的建筑和设施的可达性. This includes modifying older structures so that programs, 服务, and activities are accessible, as well as designing new buildings to be fully accessible.

If you are a 学生 with further questions, please contact the Director of the 学生访问中心 at (207) 221-4418. 其他所有人的问题应直接向人力资源执行主任提出, in that person’s capacity as the ADA Compliance Officer, at (207) 602-2339.


詹姆斯D. 赫伯特,Ph值.D.


十大网络彩票平台大全的目的是为游客提供足够的无障碍停车场, 学生, 教师, 专业人员 who have physical disabilities. 访问or parking permits are available 24 hours a day, 每一天, from the 招生 Welcome Center on the Biddeford Campus, and the Department of Safety and Security at 1 College Street on the Portland Campus.

任何持有国家颁发的残疾人停车许可证和有效的大学停车许可证的人都可以在任何残疾人区停车, 学生, 教员/员工, or visitor parking space on campus. 学生, 教师, 和专业人员经常难以在目的地附近找到空的残疾人停车位,可致电(207)221-4346通知安全和安保部.

The University of New England is an equal opportunity institution. Inquiries or concerns may be directed to the Director of Human 资源, in that person’s capacity as the ADA Compliance Officer at (207) 602-2384.


Policy on 紧急疏散

大学的政策要求所有的人离开任何设施,在火灾警报被激活,尽快通过最近的可用出口. 任何人都不应为了影响或协助他人撤离而过度危及自己,每个人都有责任确保其他居住者意识到紧急情况. 类似的, 教师, 监事, 学生领导(“疏散领导”)负责遵循以下程序.

Arrangements for Evacuation

学生, 教师, 我们鼓励残疾专业人员与安全和安保部讨论任何个别疏散问题. In order to maximally assure safe exit from a building being evacuated, you are encouraged to make prior arrangements.

帮助的安排通常最好在需要帮助的个人和一个或多个同伴之间以伙伴计划的形式完成. 不能或不愿做出此类安排的残疾人可以联系负责设施或活动的教职员工,以安排协助撤离. 应作出冗余安排,以确保在发生紧急情况时,如果主要提供者不在,也能提供所需的援助.

As a person with a disability, your needs may not be readily identifiable to others. If you suspect this is the case, 如果需要协助疏散,您应该通知该设施或活动的负责人. Only persons directly involved need be made aware of your arrangements for assistance.

Evacuation and Alternatives

大学设施内的紧急疏散警报系统包括可视和声光信号装置,供您在紧急情况下发出警报. In residential facilities, 信号装置可在个别单位内增加或修改,以适应您的需要.

电梯不能安全地用于紧急出口,通常被编程为当火灾警报被激活时停止运行. 对于使用楼梯疏散的其他人来说,轮椅可能是不可接受的障碍, and may therefore have to be abandoned. 有一些技术可以用来帮助有行动障碍的人离开他们的轮椅. These techniques must only be used after sufficient training and practice.


  • Evacuation leaders (教师, 监事, 和学生领袖)负责安全撤离他们所监督的所有人员, 组织, 或教. 疏散负责人应引导或护送残疾人到救援援助区域(封闭的楼梯井平台),在那里,残疾人可以在不妨碍或阻止其他乘员紧急出口的位置等待紧急救援人员的援助.
  • 如果楼梯间充满烟雾或无法维持,请前往另一个可用的楼梯间. 如果没有其他楼梯井,就把病人带到一个可以居住的房间,然后关上门.
  • From the nearest phone, dial 911 and give your name and exact location.
  • 疏散负责人随后应离开该区域,并立即指示紧急救援人员前往等待救援的人员所在位置. 所有有视力或听力障碍的走动者应与其他建筑物居住者一起撤离. 这些人可能会受益于护送,应该从班级或工作区域分配一个.



有关遵守《全球最大彩票网站排名》和/或为身体残疾人士提供便利的问题,应直接向人力资源总监咨询, in that person’s capacity as the ADA Compliance Officer at (207) 602-2384.

Emergency Contact 信息rmation

The University has installed emergency call boxes, which are strategically located across our campuses. 这些紧急呼叫箱使您可以直接与大学保安通话,而无需插入金钱或拨号.

If reporting a life-threatening emergency or a crime in progress, 拨打911或按紧急按钮,您的呼叫将被转接到警察紧急通信中心, 火, 救护车服务.

Describe the nature of the emergency, your name, and location. 如果安全的话, remain on the line until the operator has received all necessary information from you.  

另外, 你会发现在十大网络彩票平台大全校园的每一栋楼的每一层都有一个公用电话,上面有紧急电话号码和大学电话号码簿.


  • 救护车:911
  • 火:911
  • 警察:911
  • Biddeford Police (Non-emergency): 282-5127
  • Portand Police (Non-emergency): 874-8575
  • 校园安全:366
  • Campus Security (Non-Emergency): 2298
  • 危机热线:366
  • 中毒控制:366
  • Maine Medical Center: 366
  • Southern Maine Medical Center: 366